Many of the new functions appear after you tap the “更多” link in the bottom, right navigation bar.
- 贷款提供
- 信用卡和借记卡控制
- 分支机构预约设置
- 安全信息 & 支持 连结方便浏览
三个小标题 以易于浏览的格式:
- 定期存款帐户
- 申请贷款
- 会员服务
你问,我们听! The MECU信用合作社 Mobile App has received an update so you can bank anytime, 只要用手指轻敲一下就行. 有什么新鲜事吗?
Many of the new functions appear after you tap the “更多” link in the bottom, right navigation bar.
三个小标题 以易于浏览的格式:
For the first time, you will be able to:
上传文件 for recently submitted loan or deposit applications
Protecting your accounts and privacy is a top priority at MECU. We believe that wireless transactions, such as those involved in 手机银行 transactions, require strong data encryption to ensure 安全 and to protect the communication from attack during data transmission.